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Counter Billing Management in Saral Billing & Accounts

Counter Billing Management is a mechanism of doing billing and receipt at multiple counters. This will involve many salespersons doing simultaneous billing & receipts at the counters or salespersons doing billing at different counters and one counter will be responsible for receipt of such billing.

For e.g. in supermarkets, we see multiple sale counters were billing and receipt is done for the goods sold. Likewise, in shopping centres, where each floor of the centre is dedicated for a category of goods, we may find each floor acting as only the sale point and all the receipts put together will be done in a single counter at a particular floor.

This major requirement in this kind of billing is the need for user wise sales and receipt track with details of cash Opening & Closing balance at each counter.

Counter Billing Management in various segments:

Counter Billing Management is most suitable for the Retail Segment where customer flow has to be handled with time and efficiency. The below given are few segments of Retail business where Counter Billing Management is most efficient;

  1. Grocery/Provision Stores
  2. Super Market/Hyper Market
  3. Textile/Apparel/Garment Shops
  4. Automobile Stores
  5. Books & Stationery Shops
  6. Electronics & Home Appliances Stores
  7. Hardware & Electricals Stores
  8. Liquor & Wine Shops
  9. Pet Stores
  10. Pharmacy /Medical Shops
  11. Sports and Utility Store

Counter Billing Management in Saral Billing and Accounts:

In Saral, Counter Billing is more suitable when used in a Multi-User environment i.e. when a single company file is used for billing and receipt at multiple systems.

In such a case, each system will be connected through LAN and the main system where the company file is available is considered as the source system. The connecting systems i.e. the billing and receipt system are called as the counter.

Each of the counters will be named and each user/salesperson logging into the system will be provided with login credentials. Authentication for usage to these users are given as per their role and responsibilities and each user will be assigned to a counter with the particular day cash opening balance. These measures are in order to track the complete sales and receipt of the business.

As per the business need, we can assign all counters to do billing and receipt or only designated counter to have receipt entry whereas all the other counters will be considered only as sales counters.

Along with these facilities, Saral also has security checking counters which are as below;

  1. Receive Counter: To verify and mark the receipt against a bill when the amount is paid
  2. Checking Counter: To verify the items billed and being carried out
  3. Release counter: To release the particular bill for edit/modify


  • The same user is not allowed to login into multiple counters/systems simultaneous under Counter Billing enabled environment
  • Separate user group need to be created for Salesperson and user to avoid other counters transactions visibility

Follow this link to watch the video tutorial for Counter Billing in Saral Accounts and Billing Software: =9u5VPCtMz6Y&

Benefits of Counter Billing in Saral Billing and Accounts

  • Easy to manage each counter wise sales, collection and stock details
  • No visibility of transactions between counters
  • Generate each counter wise report as well as consolidated report on all counters

Counter Billing Configuration, Utilization and Reports in Saral Billing and Accounts


  • Go to Inventory >> Inventory Settings >> Features >> click on Enable Counter Bill option and click on Counter Mapping
  • Here, it will list all system names which are accessing the same Saral Company data in the network. Enter the Counter Name and click on Active for all. Save and apply the settings
  • Next, go to Tools >> Company Security >> Enable Company Security. Enter the default password as ADMIN and email id. Create a new Group and Users/Salesperson logins
  • Later, click on Module Security Settings and enable appropriate modules for the respective user/salesperson logins


  1. Counter Billing will work only in Multi-User licensing
  2. User/Salespersons logins creation with user group is a must


In Admin Login

  1. Go to Inventory >> click on Counter Opening Balance to enter daily cash balance if available for the respective counter and salesperson
  2. Here, the current Date will be loaded automatically. Select the Counter Name, respective User for that counter and enter the cash Opening Balance amount. Save and exit

In User/Salesperson Login

  1. Sales Invoice/Billing entry in Counter – In case both Billing and Receipt are done at the same counter
    • Go to Inventory >> click on Sales Invoice. Here, select Cash invoice type, Customer ledger and select the Item details. Then, click on Payment Details button and enter the amount received in the respective mode of payment and click on OK. On save, the Cash Invoice will be saved
  2. Sales Invoice/Billing entry in Counter – In the case where Billing is done on multiple counters and Receipt will be done on a different single counter
    • Go to Inventory >> click on Sales Invoice. Here, select the Credit invoice type Customer ledger and select the Item details. Then, click on the Save button to save the Credit invoice
    • Next, go to Home Screen >> click on Receipt and select Counter Receipt. Else, go to Accounts >> Voucher Entry >> Counter Receipt
    • Select Customer and Bill Number for receipt entry. Press enter to select the next Bill for the same customer
    • Click on Payment Details; enter the amount received in respective mode of payment and click on OK. Save and print the receipt 


  • Go to Inventory >> Reports >> Summary Reports >> Counter Summary to generate each counter wise separate report with all users/salespersons login details
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