This Serial Number is a unique way of identifying an item and is assigned to each individual item in order to distinguish that item from other items.
In business of Electrical & Electronics gadgets, items/stock is often classified based on the Serial Number of the Item. This Serial Number is a unique way of identifying an item and is assigned to each individual item in order to distinguish that item from other items.
Serial Number is assigned during manufacturing of the item and is usually assigned in a sequence of each item or item family. This is also used to avoid duplication of item. Item Serial Number is more beneficial when the item has Warranty attached. It will help to have an accurate and complete data available to support the customer.
In SARAL, we have option to maintain the Serial Number of the item with 15 extra fields to manage the necessary information of the item.
For E.g.: items like Mobile can be maintained along with details like IMEI number, and additionally its Battery Number, Brand Name, Network Type, Screen Size and others.
During item creation, you will be creating a single item with details of Serial Number (unique for each item in stock) and other details applicable for each item in the stock.
You can also have Serial Number wise Barcode for each item and the same can be scanned during outward transaction.
Items can be viewed based on the Serial Number and be used to filter and view only the required item. Option is also provided to view Serial Number based Inward, Outward and Closing stock history report generation.
Note: Serial Number is mandatory in Inward (Purchase) Transactions for Serial Number enabled item.