Click ERP Services Pvt. Ltd.

Timber Inventory Management in Saral Billing & Accounts

Timber refers to unprocessed wood which can be used to make wood products or within the development of buildings. Timber Inventory may be a part of inventory management for managing stock of Timber products. Timber inventory is often managed supported various sorts of timber sort of a round log, plywood, slab alongside their properties like Length, Width, Girth, Thickness, No. of Pieces, and Square Meter/Square Feet.

Some common segments for Timber Inventory

Timber Inventory is best suitable for the business segment of

  • Timber Trading
  • Timber Sawmills
  • Timber Yard
  • Plywood and Glass industry

Timber Inventory in Saral Billing and Accounts

In Saral Billing and Accounts, Timber Inventory is a special module provided for the management of Timber Stock. In this module, one can manage the stock of Timber products with different Timber classes like Round Log, Cut Size, Slab, Reaper and Plywood.

Each class of timber is managed with its respective measurement unit i.e. Square Meter/Square Feet. Auto calculation of item quantity based on Length, Width, Girth, Thickness and No. of Pieces, is available for all Inward and Outward transactions. Stock reports on products of the same size are also available.

Benefits of Timber Inventory in Saral Billing and Accounts

  1. Auto calculation of timber unit for each timber class
  2. Timber size-wise stock management
  3. Timber unit and size can be defined in Meter or Feet or Inches
  4. Can maintain both timber and non-timber transactions for the same company

Timber Inventory Configuration, Utilization and Reports in Saral Billing and Accounts


  1. Go to Inventory >> Inventory Settings >> Features >> click on Enable Timber Inventory.
  2. Link of Show Timber Settings will be displayed where we can define default unit i.e. Length, Width, Girth and Thickness for respective Timber Class and the same unit will be loaded by default in all transactions. Save and Apply the  Settings
  3. Now, go to Master >> Item and enter Item Description and Group then select respective Timber Class i.e. Round Log, Cut Size, Slab, Reaper and Plywood.
  4. Then, select the Primary Unit as Square Meter/Square Feet with applicable GST Rate. Save the item and exit.

Note: Timber Class – Others is for Non-Timber items/products like Fevicol, nail


Inward Transaction

  1. Go to Inventory >> DC Inward /Purchase Invoice >> select Supplier ledger and enter supplier Invoice Ref. no. and Date
  2. Select timber Item from item list and enter timber Length, Width, Girth, Thickness and No. of Pieces and click on Ok button
  3. This will calculate the quantity in Square Meter/Square Feet. Enter the rate of the item and save the transaction after entering other related details

Outward Transaction

  1. Go to Inventory >> DC Outward/Sales Invoice >> select Customer ledger with the date of sales
  2. Select timber Item from item list and enter timber Length, Width, Girth, Thickness and No. of Pieces and click on Ok button
  3. This will calculate the quantity in Square Meter/Square Feet. Enter the rate of the item and save the transaction after entering other related details


  1. Go to Inventory >> Views >> Timber >> click on Item/Lot wise or Timber Summary view to get Timber Stock View with Length, Width, Girth, Thickness and Pieces details
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